Chris Harrison tells me this season of The Bachelor may just be the greatest yet. Despite the fact this is season nineteen, and that statement has been a staple since the second, I'm actually inclined to believe him. It has all the makings of a top notch season; a genuinely likeable bachelor, appropriate and believable levels of crazy, and legitimately very attractive women - which is, oddly enough, not always a guarantee on the show. Bear in mind, I'm holding them to Bachelor television standards, notably higher than normal.
After perusing ABC's preview page on the contestants, I'll give you the highlights of who to watch for this season - or just a few comical mishaps on their personal bios.
Amanda's bio reads not far from what one would expect from a child. I know that's harsh... perhaps overly harsh, but... when given a fill-in-the-blank for "If I never had to... I would be very happy" - admittedly a pretty lame question - I would have hoped for something a little more creative than what follows.
"If I never had to upset others, I would be very happy."
"If I never got to play with puppies, I would be very sad."
Paired with what she'd do if she won the lottery:
"Adopt dogs and charter a jet for my friends anf fmaily to fly around Europe", somehow neglecting the spell-check tool on her own description, I do not have the highest of hopes.
Poor Amber. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her, and I'm sure she's a decent woman, but she won't make it past round four. The poor girl is black, and America just isn't ready for a black contestant to go further than that.
Black president? Possible. Black bachelor/bachelorette? Not in my lifetime. You can put away your signs with Amber's face with "Hope" as the caption - it just ain't happening.
Ashley I.
Ashley I. has potential. She's decent looking, speaks well, says a few funny things here and there, and my girlfriend is jealous of her eyes. Her major drawback is an incredibly gummy smile (not demonstrated in this picture by a favourable angle). If she can maintain a steady level of depression throughout this season to prevent that failing, I predict a third place finish.
Ashley S.
I would bet you anything Ashley S. was a weathergirl in the '80s. Perhaps it's her likeness to Veronica Corningstone, or the pose, or the hair, but it's all I can see. Maybe because according to her description she "can't live without sunshine" - presumably because that's her favourite report to give. Her bio was brief and boring, and she seemed like either first round elimination cannon fodder, or a mid-season low airtime quiet finish at best. What I certainly did not expect was her to be the resident crazy. Her strange obsession with an onion (turns out it was a pomegranate - but why was that there either?) as well as few off putting remarks has solidified her in that position.
A plus-sized model. That's halfway to getting past the first round, but only halfway. Goodbye, Bo.
By the way... if you're the one girl who isn't Barbie-esque skinny, perhaps don't list "food" as one of the things you can't live without. I know, I know, she has the 'curvy' appeal, but it's just asking for trouble.
Britt may lose her first place position only one way, and it showed in the very first moment she met Chris. An extended, uncomfortable-for-the-viewer hug might spawn into a potential overwhelmed and far too in love situation down the line. She might drop the "L" bomb too early, and it just might cost her. Otherwise, she's got it made.
Jillian had potential from her profile. A few jokes, some decent answers, a brain in her head, and looks at least on par with the norm for this season. Potential, yes?
That was until they show her lifting weights and flexing. Her first impression was having Chris grab her bicep. Do you know what's obnoxious? Men who go to the gym all day every day and go around flexing and showing their assortment of muscles I'm not even sure are supposed to exist. Do you know what else is obnoxious?
When women do literally the exact same thing.
Watch for this one. Her bio says her most outrageous thing she's done is jumping off the back of a boat naked (not necessarily awful, but a warning sign), if she could be someone for a day it would be "Britney Spears because she's awesome!" (a stronger warning sign) and if she wants to impress a man she would "give him a sexy dance because it would turn him on and hopefully lead to more" (a red light if the first two were yellow). My prediction, based off the previews? Chris has an "overnight date" with her a few weeks too early, and the other girls get word and lose their minds. The girls sob, Chris repents, and the girls' desire for victory leads them to immediate forgiveness. Jordan takes the fall as the one who gets eliminated.
For you Americans out there, this is not a representation of our wonderful country, Canada. She has five tattoos, mentions Ninja Turtles in her write-up, and her first impression was a joke about "ploughing". I hope she wins so she can stay in America and stop filthing up our country.
Reegan has the cold-hearted face of the fight promoter for the legendary Russian fighter, Ivan Drago. Unfortunately, Chris must be a fan of Rocky, and she's been eliminated in the first round. Ro-cky! Ro-cky! Ro-cky!
"Hmm... 'I can't live without (blank).' I'm applying for The Bachelor, so I really should be honest, right? Oh boy, this is tough... I should pour another drink. Hey, wait a minute! That's it!"
-I can't live without whiskey.-
Never has the drunk trainwreck at the house been more predictably picked.
Trina's greatest fear on a date is "eating something that gives her 'di-di'." When asked what she would be if she could choose to be any fruit or vegetable, she chose the coconut because "they grow in such a beautiful, exotic yet uninhabited places. No one would ever eat me!" OK, creative answer, but it keeps going. "I would smell and taste delicious too! And I'd have lots of health benefits!" So... she wants to be a coconut because no one will eat her... and she would smell and taste delicious for the people who won't be there to see her. Plus, the health benefits would be good for the people that, again, are not eating her. I know it's a silly question and not something to read into, it just irked me.
Bachelor Stats!
-12/30 women have tattoos. There are 23 tattoos total.
-6 women listed they cannot live without mascara or some other variety of eye product
-4 women listed they hate men who text during their dates
-4 women are devoutly religious, and I believe this may play a role this season
-7 women mentioned rear-end bodily functions in their bios